Thursday, August 16, 2007

Welcome to Moms Living Green!

Today I am launching my new website:! The website, and associated blog, educational resource and consulting company has grown out of 2 years worth of exhaustive (though by no means all-inclusive) research on climate change (global warming.) At this point, I think I have come to a pretty full understanding of what we will be facing as mothers to young children who will be growing up in an era of climate change. Along the way, I have discovered some unexpected connections between our lives and our environment, lots of mis-information, lots of excellent information, and lots of fun resources, products and forward thinking entrepreneurs and policy-makers. I'm looking forward to your questions, ideas and perspectives, as we raise the next generation... here's to the Green Generation!


Tiffany said...

Ther eis agreat chart here:

Ally said...

Jessica, I'm thrilled to see your new website and associated blog! I'll share this with our neighborhood green group as well. Thanks in advance for all of the work you're doing that will benefit so many of us.