Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Clean and Healthy Bathroom

Hi Green Mamas!

I get lots of questions about the best eco-friendly cleaning products out there... here is a fabulous article
from Grist that does an excellent review of several green bathroom cleaning products! Check it out! But, also do read the comments and do your own research too. (FYI, Borax is very toxic to kids and pregnant women... so, keep out of reach and don't use while pregnant or trying to become pregnant.) The Environmental Working Group is another great source for toxins in everyday products.
Scrub a dub dub.

Take care,


Cupcake Provocateur said...

There are alot of new all natural cleaning products on the market today, like BabyGanics (they have a great Tub & Tile cleaner). I like them because they are 100% all antural and non toxic. However it's getting harder to figure out which organic cleaners to choose. Espically since Clorox came out with a green cleaning line however it's Clorox! There is still harsh chemicals just a lower amount. Look for products that have NO VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds, remeber just because it says organic does not mean it is safe.

MichJean said...

I haven't tried any of these in particular, I have however read much on the subject and tried hundreds of others.

I’ ve been a vegitarian since I was 15…so that would make 12 years now. And not because of the comun reasons.. because of the state of our foods, environment etc.. but in truth not ever our vegtables are safe. No matter how much the organic label made me feel safe, I had to realize that there where many more things I could do. Becoming a mother just reenerated the subject in my mind. If I can change myself, give an example, then I can change the world…one person at a time.

I found these amazing products online,EVERYTHING!!! and the cleaners are to die for!!! Products I would otherwise buy at a supermarket and spend tones of dollars on (we all know how much Organic/green can cost.) In my search tireless search I also found a comunity of mothers dedicated to greener and healthier living. 11000 other moms just like me…

Anonymous said...

Hi all, I am a mom of an 18month old who is into everything! I use a wonderful line of products that are 100% natural and they are manufactured from a company right here in the U.S. The company promises never to put any harmful toxins or chemicals in any of their products and they are so effective, better than traditional toxic products. The best part is that these products are completely affordable and actually save me money, it's amazing. They carry everything from bath and body products to household cleaning products, toothpaste, soy candles and the list goes on! Everything I order get delivered right to my door, with the empty bottle guarantee, if I try something new that I don't like, I get my money back even if I used every drop! If having healthier, safer products in your home and saving money appeals to you please contact me. I would love to show you the company that has improved my family's health so that you can see for yourself.
