Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Important News

Good Evenings Green Mamas!

I have two important bits of news tonight that I hope that all of you will join me in supporting. The first is that the Senate is scheduled to vote in June on some crucial global warming legislation. I hope that all of you will join me in emailing or calling your Senator to ask him or her to vote for this important bill. For more information, go to this link on the Environmental Defense website to learn more about the bill, the key swing voting Senators and how to take action. It will take only a few minutes, and one day you can tell your kids that you were responsible for saving the planet! Cool.

The second hot topic is that Moms Living Green will be joining forces with a new and very media savvy non-profit called the Ecomom Alliance to use the buying power of moms (and dads, grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, and teens, kids and friends everywhere) to sway large corporations to go green! (And, I mean really go green, not just fill our lives with fake green marketing or more "green" stuff that we don't want or need!) I will be becoming an Ecomom Leader once we've finally settled in Houston, and until then I'm calling on all of you to join the Ecomom Organization so that we can quickly build enough members to push some large companies in the right direction. When you click to join you can also make a donation to support our work, but that is optional. Check it out!

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